Monday, 17 December 2018

Day 1 in Bangkok, Thailand

Tom taking in the Bangkok view from the Golden Mountain
We got to Thailand a little later than we originally anticipated due to me booking with the worst travel agent in the world; the ironically named Bestjet. Avoid them like the plague. Our problem was that Thai airways changed their schedule some 6 weeks before we flew and we were never informed of such changes so we arrived for a flight that no longer existed.
Bloody hassle because i did not understand what could have happened. Bestjet was unobtaianable. The Thai offices were empty and locked... Cancelled the first Thai accommodation. And then found out that we had been re-booked for the flight on Sunday....

Anyways we finally got there some 14 hours after we should have. Got to our hotel and went to bed in AC comfort for A$40 per night including breakfast. We were housed in the Sam Sem Hotel and it is quite quiet and nice; located down a sleepy little laneway.
courtyard area in our hotel

Bangkok Canal

Dr Seuss trees

Thai twin towers?

The standing Buddha with Tom for scale

The standing Thomas with a buddha's foot for scale

Adjacent temple to Buddha


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Tom being krazy...

So today we wondered and looked and listened. For Tom it was his first taste of Asia and I think it is fair to say that he enjoyed it despite my occasional pause for a bird pic.... Photographed a few and missed a few others. Recorded Magpie Robin, Little Egret, Palm Swift, House Swift, Coppersmith Barbet, unidentified Phyllo warbler and perhaps others.

Species #1 - Scarlet backed Flowerpecker

Species #1a - Scarlet backed Flowerpecker
Species #2 - House Sparrow
Species #3 - Tree Sparrow
Species #4 - Pied Fantail
Species #5 - Peaceful Dove
Species #6 - Streak eared Bulbul
Species # 7 - Large billed Crow
Species #8 - Ashy Drongo
Species #9 - White vented Myna
Species #10 - Black Collared Starling
Species #11 - Asian Pied Starling
Species #12 - Common or Indian Myna
Species #13 - Olive backed Sunbird male
Species 14 -  Koel
Species 15 - 
Species 16 - Feral Pigeon

Species #17 - Asian Openbill Stork

And some mammals; well one - Finlayson's or Variable Squirrel -I'm pretty sure.
head shot of Variable Squirrel

Variable Squirrel

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